Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Party Time

The cutest little reindeers!
Present time!

Decorating cookies...but once again the frosting is more popular than anything else!
We made little reindeer with clothespins for the legs (adorable) and the kids wanted a sleigh to go with them, so the next day I came up with these sleighs that they painted to go with their reindeer. It looks like Jonny is eating his paint...but I assure you he is not. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Letter M

We made some music videos and then the kids were laughing so hard watching themselves! It was so funny to watch them.

We made some mail bags and walked to the mailbox and pretended to mail a letter. (We were going to actually go to the post office and mail the Christmas invitations last week but then we had the snow day, bummer!)
We made some Maracas (not sure if I spelled that right :) and had a little performance on the stage we just inherited from some friends.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Party

We had a little Thanksgiving feast at preschool complete with turkey sandwiches (which was more of a hit with me and the other parents), muffins, brownies, and chips. We played Hide & Go Seek the Turkeys (where we pretended we were either the Turkey farmer or the turkeys hiding). We played a pumpkin basket game with mini pumpkins, and then we watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie (and ate popcorn). We had pilgrim hats, made little turkeys, and talked about what we are thankful for.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"I" is for ice-cream & Igloos

We only had Eli and Aaron at school today. We definitely missed our other friends, especially because we taste tested Ice-cream and made edible igloos out of paper bowls (Not edible), frosting and mini marshmellows.

Funny side story: I bought Moose Tracks Ice-cream (it's delicious). So, we were eating our ice-cream and then Eli announced that it was called "Moose Tracks" and then Aaron was like, "I don't want to eat this anymore!" I tried to explain to him that it was just called "Moose Tracks" and that it really didn't have moose in it. He didn't believe me, he wouldn't eat anymore :)

Ice Experiment

We conducted a little Ice experiement for letter "I" to see which ice cube would melt the fastest (the one in the glass, plastic, or aluminum containers. We wrapped one in cotton squares. This picture isn't that great, but I thought it was kindov funny, all the kids are doing something different ;)

Monday, November 9, 2009


In honor of letter "B" we pretended to be Bakers and made our own French Bread. The kids love when we cook, they get to wear the chef hat, pour in ingredients and of course eat our creations.

B for beans

So, we glued beans on our big B's. The kids REALLY like Glue I discovered! Time to go buy some more :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party Time

We have been counting down until Halloween and the kids were really excited for our Halloween Party. Here they are in their costumes (that didn't last too long, so I'm glad I got this picture when I did :) and with our Witch/Wizard hats on. Next time I'll have to come up with something to keep the hats on!

Monster Mash Freeze

It was hilarious to watch the kids dance and freeze when the music stopped. They had a blast with this game. The kids have some pretty sweet dance moves. I wish I would have had my video camera out for this activity! :)

Musical Chairs

The kids had fun playing Musical Chairs with Halloween music. The boys got a little competitive.

Pumpkin Bowling

For part of our Halloween party we did a little pumpkin bowling. The kids loved this game, they are so easy to please :) I had no picture of Jonny bowling, sorry! Don't know what happened there.

H for Halloween Witch/Wizard Hat

The kids had fun decorating their hats with stickers, flowers, stripes, glitter, and did I mention stickers! The kids were having a competition to see who could use a whole sheet of stickers the fastest. We also made hat cookies (but I forgot to take a picture of that, oops!) The kids love to help cook.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cowboy Day

For cowboy day, we learned the ABC's of Cowboy Life, and colored mini cowboys/cowgirls to hang up in our classroom. We dressed up in cowboy boots, hats, cowboy shirts, jeans, and vests. We played Cowboy games like "Rope the Horse" and "There's a Snake in my Boot!" And of course the kids rode around on stick horses outside on the range!

Letter C

C is for cat masks and also for Queen Cecily. Cecily was very excited to be the Queen of the Day for letter C, she even tried to wear the crown home :) The kids enjoyed making their cat masks after reading a book about a black cat named Trouble who liked to knock over the little boy's train set.