Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party Time

We have been counting down until Halloween and the kids were really excited for our Halloween Party. Here they are in their costumes (that didn't last too long, so I'm glad I got this picture when I did :) and with our Witch/Wizard hats on. Next time I'll have to come up with something to keep the hats on!

Monster Mash Freeze

It was hilarious to watch the kids dance and freeze when the music stopped. They had a blast with this game. The kids have some pretty sweet dance moves. I wish I would have had my video camera out for this activity! :)

Musical Chairs

The kids had fun playing Musical Chairs with Halloween music. The boys got a little competitive.

Pumpkin Bowling

For part of our Halloween party we did a little pumpkin bowling. The kids loved this game, they are so easy to please :) I had no picture of Jonny bowling, sorry! Don't know what happened there.

H for Halloween Witch/Wizard Hat

The kids had fun decorating their hats with stickers, flowers, stripes, glitter, and did I mention stickers! The kids were having a competition to see who could use a whole sheet of stickers the fastest. We also made hat cookies (but I forgot to take a picture of that, oops!) The kids love to help cook.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cowboy Day

For cowboy day, we learned the ABC's of Cowboy Life, and colored mini cowboys/cowgirls to hang up in our classroom. We dressed up in cowboy boots, hats, cowboy shirts, jeans, and vests. We played Cowboy games like "Rope the Horse" and "There's a Snake in my Boot!" And of course the kids rode around on stick horses outside on the range!

Letter C

C is for cat masks and also for Queen Cecily. Cecily was very excited to be the Queen of the Day for letter C, she even tried to wear the crown home :) The kids enjoyed making their cat masks after reading a book about a black cat named Trouble who liked to knock over the little boy's train set.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

C is for Car

We had fun reading some Car books and making our own race cars (complete with flames) out of recyclable items. This picture really isn't a good one, but its the only one I got (no one wanted to cooperate for picture time, I think they were too excited about their cars :)

Poppi's Pumpkin Patch

We had a great field trip to Poppi's Pumpkin Patch. Aaron even dressed up like a pumpkin for the occasion. The hay ride was fun, the weather wasn't TOO cold, and everyone found the perfect pumpkin. What a perfect way to celebrate letter "P"!!

P is for Parachute

In honor or Letter "P" we made some homemade parachutes, complete with mini parachuter. The kids had fun throwing them in the air and chasing them down. They got really good at it. I didn't get any good pictures of the girls with their parachutes (sorry). Cecily loved the little car and Madison also practiced her tractor skills.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Decorating Pumpkin Cookies at the Patch

After a "hard" day at the patch we relaxed and decorated some Pumpkin Cookies. The kids had fun frosting and putting sprinkles and chocolate chips on their creations. Aaron went a little crazy with the sprinkles. He poured so many sprinkles that they wouldn't stick to the frosting...his solution, lick the sprinkles off the plate like a dog! Jonny licked the knife (it was plastic, see group photo) after every spread, he said, "but there is still some left on the knife." Luckily we each had our own frosting bowl :) He ate so much frosting that he barely ate any of his cookie. Madison enjoyed her cookie and had an awesome cookie crumb mouth afterward. Eli went chocolate chip crazy for a polka dot creation. Cecily was very focused on her decorating and had a surprisingly clean plate after the whole matter.

Letter F

We crowned Nevel King of the day, because fish starts with "F." We made mini firefighters and the kids became little flowers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cheap Entertainment

The kids had a great time at the Fire Station. I think they had the most fun watching (and dancing) to the cheesy fire safety video we watched. Aaron was really busting a groove :) They also had a fun time spinning around the "fire pole" in the garage. Side note: Now when we walk to the park they stop at the fire hydrant and walk around it together like they did at the Fire Station.